Idea Art Seminars - TBA - all master class research & development seminars are organized by & for professional artists but open to the general public
A few empirical levitation investigations:
ICA•RDI LEVITATION INVITATION: Crescent Beach, Nova Scotia, last weekend in August bring your levitation R&D (devices and techniques).
Coup d'etat by Artists - Thematic Exhibition for Lunenburg proposition
ICA•RDI Thematic Exhibition for Lunenburg - "Coup d'etat by Artists", summer 2015
Harper's government has moved Canada to the right. Where is the left in Canada? Where are Ottawa's "young revolutionaries"? Perhaps the revolution has to begin in the Provinces, or perhaps here in Lunenburg with the overthrow of the local status quo, a coup d'etat by artists.
Heritage/Current Art Dialectic
Using the majority of Provincial Cultural Funding for heritage tourism (e.g. Bluenose II & Nova Star boondoggles) rather than supporting Current Art Research & Development has gone on too long in Nova Scotia. The “Ivany Report” suggest Nova Scotia break down the walls of entrenched paradigms.
The Lunenburg waterfront as beachhead... view ICA•RDI Proposition for the Lunenburg waterfront.
Status of the Artist - Thematic Symposium for Lunenburg proposition 2016
ICA•RDI Congress: Art After Situational Aesthetics & Institutional Critique